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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

The server-application of Hodoman Timer 6.0 may even be installed on the Internet Gateway Computer. It will provide a web-interface for both the administrator and the employees, so you don't really need physical access to the computer it is installed on. In fact, it is recommended that you should use it this way.

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Customer feedback

Great product, great technical support. 100% satisfied !!!
Robert, USA, 12 computers

I was mostly impressed by your support team with fast and accurate answers. Thank you for having helped me to set this up.
Eric, France, 8 computers
Software Overview  
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Our Internet Cafe solution supports various pricing plans:

  •  you may define an unlimited number of time intervals with different prices during one day 
  •  prices may be setup according to the day of the week
  •  Hodoman Timer supports packages for customers who know from the beginning that they want to spend a longer time in your Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe and may benefit of a lower price for certain categories of applications which you define.
  •  using membership accounts will help you keep your customers for a longer period of time and also offer them lower prices.
  •  using cards will have all the features of membership accounts and moreover the advantage of easy management and control over their users.
  • Hodoman Timer supports both pre-paid and post-paid customers

Everything is fully customizable and you may implement any pricing strategy you could think of , using this system. If you a need to use a different pricing strategy, please contact us and we will try to implement it for you.

Other features:
  •  complete independancy of application categories (you may define your own categories with custom images for each of them and these will appear on the client interface)
  •  you buy SMS credits from us and then resell them to your customers through an automated processing and billing system
  •  secure management with administrator and employee accounts
  •  bar and services management
  •  secure client-server communication

Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: The Box
Hodoman Timer is a complete management system for Internet Cafes / Cyber Cafes. It is based on a client-server architecture.


Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software
Client Application

The client application resides on each computer station in your network. It provides your customers access to the groups of applications you define and to those applications you specify for each group.

  •  displays elapsed time and cost information
  •  displays application categories
  •  displays applications' shortcuts together with icon for the selected category
  •  fast and reliable way of switching from one category of applications to another
  •  ability to send SMS messages worldwide (directly from the client interface) at a price which you define, turning this into a new source of revenue for you
  •  local security and privacy settings


Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software
Server Application

The server application is a cross-platform solution which will run in background on the computer you install it on.

It can be controlled through a web interface (you will access the server application with a web browser, just like browsing a webpage). This is where you set up application categories, pricing plans, membership types, cards, packets, employees? accounts. This is where you will find all kind of reports and statistics regarding over-time activity.

Your employees will use this web interface to control computer stations (starting and stopping them), to sell membership accounts, cards, bar products and services like printing or scanning and to change shifts.

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