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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

Hodoman Timer 6.0 has just been released! This is a client/server, web-based management software for Internet Cafes / Cyber Cafes. It provides powerfull and very customizable features which will allow you to offer your customers a better experience and make them come back in your Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe.

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Customer feedback

Hodoman rules!!! Cool product! I liked it from the begining and now I love it. I recommended you guys to other friends of mine and they, too, are pleased by your product. Thank you and good luck!
Elder, UK, 10 computers

This is the most stable Internet Cafe Solution we have tested. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Jim, Thailand, 24 computers

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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: The Box
     The programs you want your customers to have access to can be grouped in an unlimited number of categories (internet web browsers, chat, games, webcam, movies, DTP, music, etc.). This Internet Cafe Software allows you to define any category you might need and you may also associate a separate, custom image for each of them. Each category may have an independent pricing plan according to an unlimited number of time intervals and also with respect to the day of the week. The pricing plans you can define with this Internet Cafe Software include:

     Packets for longer sessions (in order to offer the customer a certain discount) ? long-night packets, long-day packets, etc.
     Membership accounts for your customers ? they will gain access based on the username and password they had chosen and will benefit of discounts for having paid in advance for the membership.
     Cards ? although similar to membership accounts, these can be automatically generated by the administrator and sold upon by your employees; in this case, access is based on a serial and a password, both printed on the card.

     The client-server architecture has been implemented using new technologies and paying a great attention to security issues. You may focus your attention on management and marketing issues, while this Internet Cafe software keeps track of your cashings.

     Your customers may send international SMS directly from the client-application interface and will be charged according to your settings.

     The server can be installed on a different computer from the one your employees will operate on and thus obtaining a high level of security. It can even be installed on the Internet Gateway Computer. Both you as the Administrator and your employees will be able to access the server interface with a compatible web browser. You may connect to your Internet Cafe server from anywhere in the world, through Internet. You will be able to change settings, passwords or study the reports. On the other hand, this feature can also be disabled just to make sure unauthorized people don't get access to the control panel.


Available Support

We offer full 24/7 email support. We offer online support and by phone during work hours. Feel free to contact us and we'll try to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

You may also find answers to your questions in our FAQ area. We'll try to keep up-to-date this database of questions and answers, based on your sugestions and difficulties.

You should always tell us about the problems you might encounter so that we could find the corresponding solutions. Please post your questions using our Trouble Ticket System.


Free rebranding and free 6 months support for Internet Cafe Software

Hodoman Timer is a complete, fully customizable and powerfull Internet Cafe Software based on a client-server architecture.

 OS independent server (including Windows, Linux and MacOS)
 international SMS sending feature
 unlimited number of application categories
 unlimited number of time intervals with different prices
 price based on the time of the day
 price based on the day of the week
 membership accounts
 remote control over LAN and Internet
 strong security policies
 secure communication
 products and services management with stock control
 shift management with employee accounts
 general and low-level, detailed reports




Our Internet Cafe Software has been rated 5 out of 5 by several third party reviewers and has received their 5 star awards.

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

5 out of 5 Internet Cafe Software Award

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