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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

Hodoman Timer 6.0 includes International SMS sending feature, a valuable service for both the customers and the Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe Owner.

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Customer feedback

Great product, great technical support. 100% satisfied !!!
Robert, USA, 12 computers

A special software with truly unique features and strong security measures. Easy to use and very user-friendly.
Marius, Romania, 30 computers
Pricing Plans Configuration  
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Hodoman Timer provides you an easy way to define flexible and fully customizable pricing plans. Prices may be different based on:

  •  the category of applications
  •  the time of the day
  •  the day of the week.

Our Internet Cafe Software supports both prepaid and postpaid cashing.

There are several special pricing plans you can use: packages, membership accounts and cards.


Packages refer to lower prices for those customers who pay in advance for longer periods of time (long-night, long-day, etc.).

Membership accounts

Membership accounts represent prepaid accounts with fully customizable access.

Membership types include settings like:

  •  restricting to a set of application categories
  •  days of the week when the type can be used
  •  time of the day when the type can be used
  •  active period - the number of days the account can be used from the creation date
  •  grace period - the number of days from the creation date before the account is automatically deleted .
  •  the credit (in money, minutes or even unlimited).

You can define different membership types (plans) and then create unlimited accounts of these types for your customers.


Card types are similar to membership types. While membership accounts are created (sold) by your employees, cards are automatically generated by you, as the administrator, based on a specified pattern for both the card serial and the password.

Upon generating a set of cards, these can be sold by your employees. Your customers will receive the card containing the serial and the password and these will work just like membership accounts.


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