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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

The server application of Hodoman Timer 6.0 is available in different distributions for any operating system, including all versions of Windows and Linux.

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Customer feedback

Hodoman rules!!! Cool product! I liked it from the begining and now I love it. I recommended you guys to other friends of mine and they, too, are pleased by your product. Thank you and good luck!
Elder, UK, 10 computers

A special software with truly unique features and strong security measures. Easy to use and very user-friendly.
Marius, Romania, 30 computers
Buy now!   Buy now!          

All the reports are available in the server application, in the administrator's control panel.

Shift report

This is a general report displaying information on the total cashing of each stored shift with respect to each application category, the sms service, membership accounts, cards, products and services sold during that shift.

Detailed Report

The detailed report reveals every item sold during one selected shift. This will display the lowest level information on all the activity in your cyber cafe during the selected shift.

Employees report

This will show the total cashing generated by each of your employees and is very useful in case you want to compare financial results between them.


The software will generate graphics for hourly usage, computer usage and application usage. The first one will show you the average number of customers at each hour of the day, the second one will offer statistic information on the computer stations mostly preffered by your customers and the third one will show the number of accesses for each application you have defined for your application categories.

You will find out that there are a set of computer stations most likely to be chosen by your customers when available. These graphics will help you build efficient pricing plans based on time intervals and also find out what attracts people to those top computer stations. Moreover, it will be much easier to decide what programs to unistall from your computer stations when they are no longer requested.

Cards & Membership accounts

The report section will also show you all the cards available for selling (generated by you and not yet sold), the cards in use (sold and still active) and the existing membership accounts with options for changing passwords or deleting them.


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