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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

The server application of Hodoman Timer 6.0 is available in different distributions for any operating system, including all versions of Windows and Linux.

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Customer feedback

Hodoman rules!!! Cool product! I liked it from the begining and now I love it. I recommended you guys to other friends of mine and they, too, are pleased by your product. Thank you and good luck!
Elder, UK, 10 computers

Great product, great technical support. 100% satisfied !!!
Robert, USA, 12 computers
Buy now!   Buy now!          

The entire software has been developed with modern technologies and paying a great attention to security issues and problems that might occur. We have faced numerous and different kinds of attacks since our first version in 1999 and tried to integrate all of the solutions to these problems in this version.

A maximum level of security can be attained by installing the server on a different computer from the one your employees operate on and thus, preventing them from gaining physical access to it.

The communication between the server and the computer stations is encrypted and authenticated with the Client ID password. Using different passwords for each computer station makes the system even more secure.

Hodoman Timer
Security Enhancements

Client application security

  • disabled F8 and other boot keys at startup
  • restricted important files from being edited
  • registry policies
  • shell protection
  • anti-crash protection
  • encrypted configuration files

Server application security

  • encrypted configuration files
  • cookie and session authentication
  • data integrity protections
  • encrypted passwords

Communication security

  • encrypted messages
  • authentication password
  • IP authentication

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