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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

Hodoman Timer 6.0 has just been released! This is a client/server, web-based management software for Internet Cafes / Cyber Cafes. It provides powerfull and very customizable features which will allow you to offer your customers a better experience and make them come back in your Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe.

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Customer feedback

This is the most stable Internet Cafe Solution we have tested. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Jim, Thailand, 24 computers

Hodoman rules!!! Cool product! I liked it from the begining and now I love it. I recommended you guys to other friends of mine and they, too, are pleased by your product. Thank you and good luck!
Elder, UK, 10 computers
Hodoman Timer 6.0 has been released  

The idea of building an Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe Management Software turned into a live product in 1999. We have managed to satisfy all of our local customers for more than 5 years and then decided to build a new management system, based on modern technologies and standards and make it available worldwide.


This is how Hodoman Timer 6.0 was born.


Copyright 2004 IntelliSoft SRL, Bucharest ROMANIA. All rights reserved.


Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.

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