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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

The server application of Hodoman Timer 6.0 is available in different distributions for any operating system, including all versions of Windows and Linux.

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Customer feedback

A special software with truly unique features and strong security measures. Easy to use and very user-friendly.
Marius, Romania, 30 computers

I was mostly impressed by your support team with fast and accurate answers. Thank you for having helped me to set this up.
Eric, France, 8 computers
New great feature added at customers request  

A small but very important feature has just been added to the client application. This is a free upgrade for all the users of Hodoman Timer 6.0 version. This new feature allows the selection of multiple files when adding shortcuts to a selected category. Moreover, you will now be able to select "lnk" files and the software will automatically extract program's name, executable path, icon path and run-time arguments and then add the corresponding shortcut in the selected category.

Here is a possible way you could take advantage of this new feature: let's suppose you have 4 application categories named "Internet Browsing", "Chat", "Webcam" and "Games". You may create 4 different folders on your desktop (one for each application category) and create shortcuts for the programs you want displayed on the frontend in these folders. You may then go in the client application and when adding shortcuts for a certain category, you may select together all the shortcuts already created in the corresponding folder. These will be automatically added to the list.

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