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Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software :: Cyber Cafe Software

Hodoman Timer 6.0 includes International SMS sending feature, a valuable service for both the customers and the Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe Owner.

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Customer feedback

This is the most stable Internet Cafe Solution we have tested. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Jim, Thailand, 24 computers

I was mostly impressed by your support team with fast and accurate answers. Thank you for having helped me to set this up.
Eric, France, 8 computers
Categories Server Screenshots
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There are 16 pictures in this category.
Pages: 1

Server Screenshots


Employee Control Panel & Help Window

Computer station action panel

Membership account create window

Contact Window

Define application categories

Base pricing plans

Define packages

Generate cards

Define Products

Shift Report


XML Report

Employee accounts

Communication settings and client passwords

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